Camargue: The Camargue is an ancient breed of horses found in Southern France. These horses are believed to have descended from the prehistoric horses, which lived during the Paleolithic period around 17,000 years ago. Although they are small horses they are highly valued for their intelligence and agility.
Predominantly gray in color, adult horses will have black skin underlying the white hair coat. This breed is the traditional mount of the farm workers, or ranch hands of the region, called "guardians." The guardians are responsible for rounding up the wild black bulls that graze on the land. There is also an annual roundup of the horses to inspect and brand the newborn foals. For centuries, possibly thousands of years, these small horses have lived wild in the harsh environment of the wetlands of the Rhone delta, developing the stamina, hardiness and agility for which they are known today.
They are the traditional mount of the gardians, "cowboys" who herd the black bulls used in bullfighting in southern France. Despite being an ancient species, they were officially recognized as a breed in 1967.
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